May 28, 2015

Questions Dissolving All Contemporary Liberal Ideology

Apres Nous
Can a nation recognize, worship and obey God in a corporate capacity? Does a nation have the ability to recognize and worship God like the individuals of a nation? If a nation can worship and obey, then does the nation have the obligation to worship and obey God? If a nation can worship and has an obligation to worship, then does a nation have the right to worship and obey God in a corporate capacity? Do individuals have a right to belong to corporate groups -- ecclesial, familial and national -- that worship and obey God through corporate action?

In other words, once we acknowledge the nation's capacity and obligation to worship God, questions about individual freedom of religion -- or, individual freedoms or civil rights generally -- must be integrated with the clear answers that Scripture gives about our various corporate potentialities and responsibilities in church, family and nation to worship and obey God.

Any state ideology that denies this potentiality of the nation to worship is obviously false. Any state system that prohibits national worship is oppressive. Any state system that inquires only into the rights of individuals to individual action and ignores their right to participate in corporate action ignores fundamental individual liberties. It, therefore, oppresses both the nation and the individual. Any state system that inquires only into the rights of individuals and ignores the capacities, duties and rights of nations is deliberately turning its back on the system of right taught in Scripture.

Ps 66:7 He rules forever by his power, his eyes watch the nations -- let not the rebellious rise up against him. 8 Praise our God, O peoples, let the sound of his praise be heard.

Jer 10:25 Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the peoples who do not call on your name.


  1. If there were a survey on the subject of how long it would take for such a state ideology (that denies the individual's right to act corporately) to realize that they too are individuals acting in a corporately, and thus by their own logic disqualify themselves, the result would be unanimous: too late.

    1. I meant to say, "they too are individuals acting corporately"

  2. Exactly, the logic of all state action is a corporate logic. The individualism of modern liberal ideologues commits them to systematic hypocrisy as they destroy the organic corporate life of families and other real social groups to aggrandize the artificial corporate state in the name of individualism.

    1. Ironic how they became that which they purport to hate most. The Apostle Paul in his passionate defense of salvation by grace through faith had a similar reaction to those who promoted circumcision and the law as a means to salvation, saying that such agitators should go the whole way and emasculate themselves. Perhaps they could do the world a favor and go the whole way in their own logic, too.

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