Apr 21, 2011

San Jacinto Day!

175 years ago today, Texans under General Sam Houston defeated Santa Anna and his army, avenging the deaths at the Alamo and the Goliad massacre, securing independence for the Republic of Texas and paving the way for the geographical expansion of the United States.

In about 18 minutes, an outnumbered force of 900 Texians routed the Mexican army, killing 600 and receiving the surrender of 700 more. The victory changed the course of the world, at least according to a plaque on San Jacinto monument:

"Measured by its results, San Jacinto was one of the decisive battles of the world. The freedom of Texas from Mexico won here led to annexation and to the Mexican War, resulting in the acquisition by the United States of the States of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Neva
da, California, Utah, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Oklahoma. Almost one-third of the present area of the American nation, nearly a million square miles of territory, changed sovereignty."

Here is a detailed and scholarly account of the battle.

In honor of this great day, visit the San Jacinto Museum of History website, too.
Happy San Jacinto Day!

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