Jan 11, 2008

Welcome to Redeeming Law

I've created this blog hoping to discuss issues related to the lawyer's work from a Christian persective. Over the years, I've heard all sorts of questions from Christian students thinking about law school:

Can a Christian really be a lawyer? What challenges does a Christ-follower face in the practice of law? How can I serve Christ as a lawyer? Wouldn't it be better to do something else?

With the publication of Redeeeming Law: Christian Calling and the Legal Profession (InterVarsity 2007), I provided my two-cents' worth on the challenges facing the profession and a few feeble suggestions for solutions. But a book-- even an overly long one-- cannot fully address the issues.

I'd like to continue the discussion of what it means to be "called" to the law.


  1. Mike:

    This is great. I will email my friends and encourage them to join in. My blog roll is replete with both Christian and legal sites and now you offer "one stop shopping."

    I am going through the book with a couple of friends and the discussion has been richer than I expected. The book probes deep and asks important questions, e.g. about the relationship between lawyers and the church. In general I think that the relationship between one's vocation and faith is becoming increasingly important in global "kingdom coming" if you will. Borders are closing to traditional missionaries.

    Increasingly it is becoming not "share your faith and live your life" but "live your faith and share your life." [HT Bro. Maynard] That captures for me in a nutshell what the Holy Spirit seems to be up to these days with the pomo generation, emerging church, etc. The very idea is in context of the practice of law is arresting. I hope this blog can probe deeply into that idea.

    There is a lot of confusion not only among lawyers but clients too--like the two guys walking threw the cememtery and running across a marker that read "Here lies a Christian and a Lawyer." One turned to the other and asked, "Why did they bury two people in one grave?" Often clients come in and open with "I want a Christian lawyer." Usually that really means they expect not to pay and that they can avaoid paying their bill with impunity because a Christian lawyer is enjoined from suing. It doesn't take long however to realize that the last thing they want is to litigate by kingdom rules. Does the church have a role to bring a corrective to that mindset? Surely.

    Since I am just rambling for openers do you think you could get permission to post the whole article by Dean Cramton. It is out of print and was hard to find, I think any serious reader of your book is going to say, "Wow, I want to read that article."

    I need to sign off for now but will be back. Blessings on this blog and you efforts here!

    Duane Young

  2. Duane, thanks for visiting and for your great note. I hope to get busy posting here next week, and I really would like to hear from you and your group. What sort of issues popped up that I might have missed? What issues should be explained better -- or explored more?

    What else should we discuss on this blog?

    Thanks! I look forwrd to continuing dialogue, and I hope to see you in DC in October for the National Conference.

